Fire Station Tours

The Burney Fire Protection District accepts station tours, school visits, and community outreach events.
Request: Please call the Fire District at least 30 days prior to the event to schedule.
Disclaimer: During scheduled station tours and school/community outreach visits, firefighters will remain in-service and ready to respond to emergencies, and therefore may have to cancel, be late, and/or may have to end the tour or visit.
Station Tour Guidelines:
- No more than 18 people per station visit.
- We request 1 adult per 5 children to provide supervision.
- The recommended age for station visits is 5 and older.
- All visitors must wear closed-toe shoes.
- Station tours canceled due to emergency reponse may be rescheduled.
School Visit Guidelines:
- We encourage teachers to coordinate visits if multiple classes wish to participate.
- School visits are for educational purposes only.
- Classes must have an average age of 5 or older.
- Fire engines and crews in attendance will remain in service and must be able to enter and exit the location quickly.
Community Outreach Guidelines:
- Participation is limited to educational and public community events in our service area and is subject to our staffing availability.
- We are unable to attend birthday parties or events that promote private business.
- Fire engines and crews in attendance will remain in service and must be able to enter and exit the location quickly.